Uzungawothi |
Before we even go very far, we think it should be addressed that liking local music takes a minute for me due to the fact I find myself in a time where we all trying to emulate the American sound. Whether you like it or not, there are some bangers that we as the South African industry have, that seriously just drip '
that thing'. Whether you liken it the gqom we play in the taxis in Durban or the bass from producers like
Play Picasso, this jam is something you cannot easily remain still to. I literally stumbled upon it on SoundCloud, a few minutes after it dropped, I highly doubt you can just go past this song 'because you didn't like it'.
Tweezy means it when he says 'I'm not just a beat maker'...you gotta admit 'Ayobarr' is something you've heard on a number of hits...and you know Tweezy previously from his single
Ambition. Chilled repetitive hook, and the beat knocks your speakers. Love the lead instrument. It's barely there but carries the vibe, damn. Now you have to be the person in the club screaming 'Fuego! Fuego! Fuego! Fuego! Worth your time.
SoundCloud Link:
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