[SONG REVIEW] Ubhuti Ontsundu - OKMalumKoolKat

"Ngimnyama Ngenkani"

One thing I've come to understand about Hip-Hop is how we actually don't like change. We love the culture, but don't force us to leave what we know for something just because it's the in thing. OKMalumKoolKat hasn't really told anyone to stop listening to their personal favourites but you probably have his songs either in his playlist, or your head. This is one I feel you should add.

I listened to the whole album, came to a realization...about how deep it was as I pressed repeat after this song. Contrary to the usual 'Turn Up' momentum you'd expect from him on 'Gqi' or killing flows on features like 'May'babo', this tells a story I'm yet to understand but I completely relate to it. I came off wondering if the guy was Smiso himself, or it was someone else. Either way, if you listen to it and don't feel some type of way about it, I'd suggest to all black people, specifically the ambitious black man. If you not proud of your melanin, and know that "isintu is also a religion"

Know who you are. You are you. Think differently? Let us know in the comment section below.


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